Name Description Last modified    
ash-mozharness unknown at 2015-01-27T15:43:21+00:00
autoland Code for the autoland application - at 2014-12-05T21:45:30+00:00
braindump unknown at 2024-08-29T16:27:53+00:00
buildapi unknown at 2017-02-09T03:43:32+00:00
buildbot This repository contains the Buildbot code that our Masters run. It is an import of released, upstream code and sometimes contains prelanded bugfixes and patches. at 2018-07-09T19:48:20+00:00
buildbot-configs This repository contains the main configuration files for our Buildbot masters ("master.cfg" files). at 2018-07-09T19:29:57+00:00
buildbotcustom This repository contains Mozilla-specific Buildbot code including but not limited to: status plugins, BuildSteps, BuildFactorys, and Schedulers. at 2018-07-09T19:30:03+00:00
cloud-tools unknown at 2014-12-17T20:27:28+00:00
compare-locales unknown at 2018-07-09T19:48:03+00:00
mozharness unknown at 2020-04-16T21:42:50+00:00
mozpool unknown at 2014-08-12T19:53:32+00:00
nagios-tools unknown at 2017-09-06T00:05:25+00:00
opsi-package-sources This repository contains the installation scripts, metadata, and other necessary files used to create OPSI deployment packages for our Windows build machines. at 2014-12-01T10:53:25+00:00
partner-repacks unknown at 2017-04-19T20:02:54+00:00
preproduction unknown at 2013-07-03T14:29:07+00:00
puppet Repository moved to at 2018-06-04T19:02:44+00:00
puppet-manifests Releng's Puppet configuration for Puppet-0.24.8 (old, but still in use) at 2014-12-01T11:07:38+00:00
relabs-puppet unknown at 2018-10-31T19:55:21+00:00
rpm-sources unknown at 2014-12-01T11:10:53+00:00
serveS3 unknown at 2015-12-18T02:24:18+00:00
slave_health unknown at 2018-06-19T09:58:04+00:00
talos unknown at 2015-09-08T18:00:03+00:00
tools This repository contains helper scripts for various build processes. at 2019-04-01T17:41:50+00:00
tupperware unknown at 2014-06-18T20:48:58+00:00
twisted unknown at 2010-02-12T17:59:05+00:00
Repository Layout
/ Mozilla top level repositories
automation QA automation projects
build Build team projects
ci Firefox CI related repositories
conduit-testing Test repos that integrate with lower environments
experimental Playground for version control wizards
hgcustom Mercurial customizations
incubator Incubator projects
l10n L10n infrastructure projects
l10n-central L10n repositories
gaia-l10n Gaia L10n repositories
labs Mozilla labs projects
projects Miscellaneous project repositories
qa QA projects and functional test repositories
integration Source code integration work
mozreview Archived repositories holding MozReview submissions
releases Release branches (use releases/l10n-branchname for l10n repos)
releases/gaia-l10n/v1_2 Gaia l10n v1_2 repositories
releases/gaia-l10n/v1_3 Gaia l10n v1_3 repositories
releases/gaia-l10n/v1_4 Gaia l10n v1_4 repositories
releases/gaia-l10n/v2_0 Gaia l10n v2_0 repositories
releases/gaia-l10n/v2_1 Gaia l10n v2_1 repositories
releases/gaia-l10n/v2_2 Gaia l10n v2_2 repositories
releases/gaia-l10n/v2_5 Gaia l10n v2_5 repositories
releases/l10n/mozilla-aurora Aurora l10n repositories
releases/l10n/mozilla-beta Beta l10n repositories
releases/l10n/mozilla-release Release l10n repositories
rewriting-and-analysis Rewriting & Analysis
SeaMonkey The SeaMonkey Project
services Code related to Mozilla services projects (Firefox sync, etc..)
users User code repositories
weave-l10n l10n repos for weave code
webtools Webtool projects like mxr, etc
www Code related to various mozilla websites